الأربعاء، 23 نوفمبر 2011

Download Easy GIF Animator 5.2برنامج لعمل الصور المتحركة مع الشرح

Easy GIF Animator 5.2

برنامج تصميم صور Gif متحركة Easy GIF Animator هو في الحقيقة إسم على مسمى حيث يساعدك

على تصميم الصور المتحركة بسهولة تامة ويدعم خصائص قوية فى تصميم الصور و الاشكال المتحركة .

يمكنك استخدامه فى مجالات متعددة .

فمع هذا المحرر، يمكنك عمل صور ، شعارات ، فواصل , تواقيع ورسوم متحركة ....

تستطيع أن تستخدم ميزات خاصة لإضافة التأثيرات البصرية الرائعة وتهيء صورك المتحركة للنشر على
صفحة الأنترنت الخاصة بك أو في المنتديات .

باختصار يعتبر من بين أفضل وأسهل البرامج لعمل الشروحات بصورة واحدة متحركة ...

Create animated GIF images in a snap! Easy GIF Animator is powerful yet very easy to use software for creating and editing animated GIF images. With this animated GIF editor you can easily create animated pictures, banners and buttons in no time. You can use special features to add stunning visual effects and prepare your animation for publishing on your web page. Easy GIF Animator supports all types of GIF animation and provides high compression and great quality for your animated GIF images. To top it all off, Easy GIF Animator is the best priced animated GIF editor on the market today.

The latest version of our GIF animator includes a built-in image editor, banner wizard and special tools to make your experience even more productive. The new Easy GIF Animator is designed to make the creation of animated pictures more productive and give you better results than ever. Version 5 introduces many exciting new features that enable you to make better animations in less time.

What's new in Easy GIF Animator 5.0

* Improved user interface
* Improved image optimization
* New text effects
* New and improved image effects
* Sparkle effect
* Improved text painting
* Improved drawing tools
* New button wizard
* Easily adjust image colors, brightness and saturation
* Insert image from clipart
* Improved PNG image support
* Improved performance, stability and compatibility
* Unicode and foreign language support
* Works with the new Windows 7
* Over 100 other improvements and fixes

Size: 3.83 MB

واجهة البرنامج :

الشرح البرنامج 

شرح إنشاء شعار متحرك :

الاثنين، 21 نوفمبر 2011

ليس لديك أى خبرة فى برامج الجرافيك ... ونفسك تصمم بنر لموقعك أو لشركتك .... تفضل بأستخدام هذا البرنامج الرائع

Bannershop GIF Animator

البرنامج متخصص فى عمل صور ونصوص متحركة لاستخدامها في البنرات الخاصة بالمواقع والتواقيع التي تعتمد على مؤثرات حركية ..

ومن أهم ما يتميز به بانه يدعم العربية وهذه
 الخاصية قليلة في مثل هده البرامج

فلن تجد مثيل مثله فى عمل البنرات .... ليس لديك أى خبرة فى برامج الجرافيك ... ونفسك تصمم بنر لموقعك أو لشركتك .... تفضل بأستخدام هذا البرنامج الرائع 

Bannershop GIF Animator is a visual tool for designing Web animations. Create, edit, and optimize animated GIFs for the Web. Animate images, shapes, and texts, using predefined animation effects such as Fade, Zoom, and Blur, or build animations from precreated images. Bannershop GIF Animator uses a powerful optimization engine that can significantly reduce GIF file size. The Optimization Wizard leads the user through the process, providing instant previewing of optimized animations, so users can balance between image quality and file size. The application can create single- or multiframe animations. The master frame can be used as a background for entire animations, so repetitive graphics can easily be reproduced and managed. Extendable architecture allows adding new animation extensions. Version 5 introduces a revolutionary method of integration with vector graphic applications (for example, Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator). Vector images can be rasterized directly in the program.

مميزاتـــــــــــــ البرنامجــ

Download Xara 3D Maker برنامج لكتابة نصوص ثلاثية الابعاد بأسهل الطرق وبرابط مباشر

Xara 3D Maker

برنامج Xara 3D Maker 7 هو اسهل برنامج للكتابة بنصوص ثلاثية الابعاد , لا يحتاج الى خبير في ال 3D لاستخدامه , يستطيع اي مستخدم بواسطة برنامج Xara 3D Maker كتابة نصوص وكلمات ثلاثية الابعاد 3D بسهولة تامة , افضل واسرع واسهل برنامج للكتابة ثلاثية الابعاد 3D , برنامج سلس وكثير الخصائص والمميزات التي تتيح لك الكتابة بمئات الطرق والتوجه نحو النص بمئات الخطوط والالوان والاشكال وحتى التصميم نفسه , برنامج Xara 3D Maker لكتابة نصوص ثلاثية الابعاد , شامل في مجال الكتابة ثلاثية الابعاد ثري دي 3D 
Xara 3D Maker (formerly Xara 3D) is solely designed to create the highest quality 3D text and graphics, such as headings, logos, titles and buttons. It's the perfect way to add impact to your web pages, mailshots, movies and presentations (all images are fully anti-aliased for that smooth, professional quality). Xara 3D Maker can also create awesome 3D animations in seconds - GIFs, AVIs and simple Flash movie sequences - and you can even enhance your desktop by saving any animation as a screensaver! Traditional 3D programs are notoriously difficult to use and understand. Not so Xara 3D Maker. Unlike many 3D programs that take an age to learn and understand, Xara 3D Maker has been created to perform one job, and performs that job with style, speed and simplicity. Xara 3D Maker includes over 700 similar examples which you can easily use as the basis for your own creations (an easy to use Style Picker allows you to quickly and easily copy any of the attributes of an existing heading to a new one).

With Xara 3D Maker you can create an endless variety of 3D graphics from TrueType fonts or imported 2D shapes, with simple controls to alter the extrude depth, lighting, bevel, color and texture, shadow, font size and type. And there's a whole range of animation possibilities including multi-page sequences and even animated 3D screensavers. Graphics are fully anti-aliased for the best possible on-screen quality and can be optimized for web use. Imports WMF/EMF, CorelXARA and Webster files, exports GIF, Flash, JPEG, PNG, AVI or BMP.
Xara 3D Maker is used both by professional web graphic designers and home computer users to make animated gifs, buttons, banner graphics and titles for presentations and web pages.


• Images can be animated in many different ways (see examples), such as Rotate, Fade, Pulsate, Step, Fade and Swing, using a simple interface - see screenshot
• The Animation Picker lets you easily copy the animation settings of one image to another - see screenshot
• Apply different animations to individual characters or sections of text
• Step-through multi-page animations of different images
• The number of frames in a sequence, the rotation direction, the speed, pause and number of loops can all be selected through simple controls
• An animation time line allows you to step through each frame, pause and export a single frame
• Lights and text can be rotated separately
• Great for creating animated buttons
Exporting your results:
• Outputs JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG (including full PNG alpha channel), ICO (icon), CUR (cursor), animated GIF, AVI and SWF (vector and bitmap)
• Any 3D animation can also be exported as a screensaver
• Optional background transparency
• Color reduction and palette-optimization for maximum quality with the smallest file size, ideal for web pages and presentations - see screenshot
• Complete control over the image size, including a handy Fit To Width feature (with pixel size shown on screen)

Size: 19.8 MB

جاء وقت التحميل 

رابط مباشر

منتظر رأيكم 

إن شاء الله

Download Corel Painter 12 حمل برنامج للرسم بالفرشاه وتصميم الالبومات والغنى عن التعريف برابط واحد مباشر

Corel Painter

برنامج Corel Painter للرسم

برنامج التصميم والتعديل الاكثر من رائع والمميز عن غيره من البرامج التصميم
فتستطيع استخدام البرنامج كخلفيه لعرض الصور واضافه الكثير
من المؤثرات لها وايضا يوجد به العديد من المؤثرات الجاهزة التي 
تمكنك من احترافيه عمل الصور كالالوان وتصميم الزيت والفحم واللوح والفنيه والعديد من الأدوات الرائعة .

Corel Painter is the ultimate digital art studio for anyone ready to expand their definition of creativity. Corel® Painter is a combination of inventive drawing tools, Natural-Media® brushes, image cloning capabilities and virtually unlimited customization options give you total freedom for creative expression. Internationally recognized for its RealBristle™ brushes, Painter offers the most realistic form of digital painting available in the digital art realm. And with the 

introduction of new Real Watercolor and Real Wet Oil brushes, plus exciting creative features exclusive to this version, Painter continues to change what's possible in art! Working with the most advanced digital painting and natural media tools available, you can create the art you’ve always envisioned. By adding Painter to your workflow, you gain a full art studio that gives you the tools to create unprecedented artwork. Digital art tools let you experiment with color theory, composition and brush strokes, without the toxins, mess and expenses associated with traditional art

Painter is changing what's possible in art. Corel Painter enables some of the world's most accomplished creative professionals, including commercial designers, artists and photographers to extend their natural talents and techniques to create original works of breathtaking digital art. If your talents lean toward the artistic, Corel Painter is a must-have tool for maximum creative expression in a digital environment. With textured surfaces, brushes, and tools, you can mimic painting and drawing with chalk, pastels, watercolors, oils, crayons, pencil, felt pens, ink, and so much more.
Enhance the Creative Process:What's Included:
Main Application
    * Corel Painter 12 – Mac OS® and Windows® versions 


    * Libraries of unique gradients, nozzles, patterns, stock photos, paper textures and brushes
    * Getting Started Guide (printed & PDF versions)
    * Online videos and tutorials
    * HTML Help files (Windows)
    * Apple Help files (Mac)
    * 7 Downloadable workspaces
Size: 592 MB

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