الاثنين، 21 نوفمبر 2011

Download Xara 3D Maker برنامج لكتابة نصوص ثلاثية الابعاد بأسهل الطرق وبرابط مباشر

Xara 3D Maker

برنامج Xara 3D Maker 7 هو اسهل برنامج للكتابة بنصوص ثلاثية الابعاد , لا يحتاج الى خبير في ال 3D لاستخدامه , يستطيع اي مستخدم بواسطة برنامج Xara 3D Maker كتابة نصوص وكلمات ثلاثية الابعاد 3D بسهولة تامة , افضل واسرع واسهل برنامج للكتابة ثلاثية الابعاد 3D , برنامج سلس وكثير الخصائص والمميزات التي تتيح لك الكتابة بمئات الطرق والتوجه نحو النص بمئات الخطوط والالوان والاشكال وحتى التصميم نفسه , برنامج Xara 3D Maker لكتابة نصوص ثلاثية الابعاد , شامل في مجال الكتابة ثلاثية الابعاد ثري دي 3D 
Xara 3D Maker (formerly Xara 3D) is solely designed to create the highest quality 3D text and graphics, such as headings, logos, titles and buttons. It's the perfect way to add impact to your web pages, mailshots, movies and presentations (all images are fully anti-aliased for that smooth, professional quality). Xara 3D Maker can also create awesome 3D animations in seconds - GIFs, AVIs and simple Flash movie sequences - and you can even enhance your desktop by saving any animation as a screensaver! Traditional 3D programs are notoriously difficult to use and understand. Not so Xara 3D Maker. Unlike many 3D programs that take an age to learn and understand, Xara 3D Maker has been created to perform one job, and performs that job with style, speed and simplicity. Xara 3D Maker includes over 700 similar examples which you can easily use as the basis for your own creations (an easy to use Style Picker allows you to quickly and easily copy any of the attributes of an existing heading to a new one).

With Xara 3D Maker you can create an endless variety of 3D graphics from TrueType fonts or imported 2D shapes, with simple controls to alter the extrude depth, lighting, bevel, color and texture, shadow, font size and type. And there's a whole range of animation possibilities including multi-page sequences and even animated 3D screensavers. Graphics are fully anti-aliased for the best possible on-screen quality and can be optimized for web use. Imports WMF/EMF, CorelXARA and Webster files, exports GIF, Flash, JPEG, PNG, AVI or BMP.
Xara 3D Maker is used both by professional web graphic designers and home computer users to make animated gifs, buttons, banner graphics and titles for presentations and web pages.


• Images can be animated in many different ways (see examples), such as Rotate, Fade, Pulsate, Step, Fade and Swing, using a simple interface - see screenshot
• The Animation Picker lets you easily copy the animation settings of one image to another - see screenshot
• Apply different animations to individual characters or sections of text
• Step-through multi-page animations of different images
• The number of frames in a sequence, the rotation direction, the speed, pause and number of loops can all be selected through simple controls
• An animation time line allows you to step through each frame, pause and export a single frame
• Lights and text can be rotated separately
• Great for creating animated buttons
Exporting your results:
• Outputs JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG (including full PNG alpha channel), ICO (icon), CUR (cursor), animated GIF, AVI and SWF (vector and bitmap)
• Any 3D animation can also be exported as a screensaver
• Optional background transparency
• Color reduction and palette-optimization for maximum quality with the smallest file size, ideal for web pages and presentations - see screenshot
• Complete control over the image size, including a handy Fit To Width feature (with pixel size shown on screen)

Size: 19.8 MB

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